Is fear a part of depression, if you’ve been fighting these oppressions, you know that fear is a major part of depression.

First of all, I would recommend that you get these fundamental principles on our website, YouTube or Udemy.

I’m making these videos because I’m convinced that people can overcome this fear from depression, through the Finished Work of Jesus Christ through changing our minds, by having our minds reviewed, changing our underlying beliefs, eliminating the lies.

I’ve worked with a lot of people over the past ten years, and basically what I’m putting into these videos is what I’ve seen work. And again, it’s not Christian counselling, I’m not against that, but we’re ministering the Word of God here. We’re ministering the word so that Jesus can back up His Word, and they are principles that are very important for you to get a hold of if you really want to overcome these oppressions.

So overcoming PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts, OCD, you’re talking about fear. So overcoming fear is something that you must overcome and you can overcome it, absolutely.

The Finished Work of Jesus Christ, you’ll hear us say this, time and time again, is a guarantee of victory. He’s overcome, so you can overcome.

That’s a promise. It’s even more than a promise, it’s a guarantee, because Jesus has already done it, he’s defeated the enemy. It’s the enemy who brings us these unnatural fears.

Fear is not from heaven, fear comes from hell. God hath not given us the spirit of fear

And we can overcome fear, especially the kind of fear that we imagine, this thing that’s coming at us from somewhere in the future or unnatural fear.

It’s important to distinguish the kind of fear we’re talking about. But if I’m driving a car and I swerve or something, and I jump a little bit and I get that anxiety, that fear comes, that’s natural.

We are talking about the unnatural kind, that unnatural kind is very oppressive, it’s from hell. We are talking about an unnatural fear of say driving a car, which is very common, or fear of being around people, there are many unnatural fears, fear of dying, which can be overcome.

Fear is a torment, it’s a horror, it’s torment from hell. And it can be completely overcome. You can get completely free from fear.

Now, when you deal with fear, it’s a spirit of fear and you can have somebody pray for you, and that fear will go away for a while. That’s the thing about fear. It comes back.

And so we need to get to the essence of the thing and get after that spirit that brings the oppression/heaviness, and get complete victory over it, fear can be real or imagined, the imagined kind of fear has spiritual roots.

So fear that comes with depression or Anxiety, or panic attacks, or PTSD, not having peace and joy. Peace and joy is a guarantee in the New Testament; it’s a guarantee, the fruits of the spirit are peace and joy.

It talks about peace and joy. Jesus says ‘My peace I give you’ in John 14:27 and these are things that again, if you’re dealing with PTSD or depression or anxiety, you don’t have peace and joy.

We’re supposed to, this has been stolen; it’s illegal that fear is on you. These are spiritual issues that when you go after the spiritual battle, and you win this spiritual battle.

For God has not given us the spirit of fear but the power of love and self-control.

God has not given us the spirit of fear; obviously, God has not given it to us, it’s from hell.

So, any Christian can get past this fear. Jesus has come to set the captives free. You’ve been delivered out of the kingdom of darkness. You know the devil comes to steal, comes to destroy. This is from hell.

And we talk about the heart beating fast. We talk about how fear attacks you.

We talk about what happens spiritually and when the attention is brought to your heart, and that’s not a good thing. You don’t need to be bringing attention to some of these things and we talk about that and we teach you how to overcome.

If your attention is brought to your heart whilst you are sleeping or while you’re running, that’s not normal, it’s not.

When you’re running or when you’re sleeping, there’s no attention.

So it’s not natural to pay attention to your heart, but in a panic attack, you are paying attention to your heart and that’s part of the problem.

So I know something about fear. And people would pray for me and the fear would go away for a while but it would always come back. It came back until I had some of this understanding. I had to face this down and I can face this down and get completely free from it. And it’s a wonderful feeling when you do that, when you know that Jesus Christ is actually helping you.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind.

Hebrews 2:15
Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.

I can face down any of these oppressions. And fear is a classic oppression; a torment from hell, that’s what it really is and I can overcome that. I should not be living my life in fear, there’s no way, that is completely illegal for a Christian.

Jesus himself helps you to get past these oppression’s. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I understand that it’s through Jesus, through His Finished Work, where my freedom lies…